Sunday, May 20, 2012

Thursday, May 17, 2012

If you really knew me--open mic final

If you really knew me you'd know I'm a little scared. A little scared to recite this thing, a little scared to get a haircut, a little scared to admit that I'm an adult, and a little scared to see my dad. But if you really knew me, you'd know I have no fears. You'd know I was kinda bored while falling out of a plane in October. You'd know I have way too many clothes and I do my laundry once every other month. You'd know I've read 5 books in the month of May. You'd know human interaction is my scapegoat and you'd know my life revolves around country music. If you really knew me, you'd know my life was made when I made Mr. Nelson's top 5 blog posts and you'd know I've never been in love and I doubt I ever will be. You'd know I wish I didn't have an iPhone cuz maybe I'd be able to see the world around me a little better and you'd know I love my life more than you love yours. You'd know I'm going to 3 different continents this summer and I've never been out of the country. You'd know I run 10 miles on Thursdays because I've made it a tradition and I don't break those. If you really knew me, you'd know I cry about two times a year and you'd know I live in a house with 6 bedrooms with just my mom. You'd know I wish more than anything that I had a big family and you'd know I've never once been to attendance school but I never go to class. You'd know I'm really grumpy for at least 3 hours after a nap. You'd know I wish I played soccer instead of volleyball and you'd know I don't know how to talk to boys I like. You'd know I'd tell you what you don't wanna hear if you asked. You'd know I'm not Mormon and that I hope I never will be. You'd know I am the laziest piece of crap sometimes and my mom really hates me for it. If you really knew me, you'd know I wish makeup had never been invented and I'm always cold. You'd know I crack my knuckles every hour. You'd know I take pride in the ugly faces I can make. And you'd know I'm only reciting this speech to get an A. Thank you.

Sunday, May 6, 2012


Competition was fabricated in me. It's in my veins, blood, skin, heart. It's who I am. And I win every time. I'm always better. Sports have always been my ventilation but here's the thing. I don't play them anymore. I thought doing my own thing and having a life was what I wanted and I've loved every minute of it but I thrive to compete even more now.  I thought I wanted a life instead of being suffocated by 6am workouts every morning in college and practices after class every day. So without sports, I fight with everyone around me. I fight until I prove I'm right and even after I've proved it I don't stop. I guess I crave to be better than you all, which I already know I am, but it's fun to prove it til its death.

I need my sport back............